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Hitting the Marketing jackpot by finding the right appeal!

Do you like eating out and sharing laughs with your best friends & family ?

Well I certainly do.

Have you ever been to your favourite restaurant and despite your best intention to order less food you give into temptation and order 3 main meals?

I know that feeling for sure!

For some of us having a content stomach is much more appealing than an empty wallet?

Which leads me to me next helpful Marketing Tip.

All successful Advertising is based on one or more of 3 appeals.

Keep reading on to see the expanded list below.

As a business owner or Marketing manager you want to base your advertising on having the right appeal.

You’ll be interested to know that the following appeals have been tried and tested over and over again by successful Marketers.

1) Sex/sex appeal - not just – or even primarily – the physical act,but also love,affection,friendship 2) Greed - All the things- physical and emotional – that money can buy. 3) Fear - Fear of losing what you have.... of not gaining what you hope to achieve.... or both 4) Duty/honour/professionalism – What’s in it for me , but what is best for those I serve – the right medicine, the longest lasting car tyres , the most property investment. (Sources Tested Advertising Methods – John Caples) Notice that all 4 appeals concentrate on what is best for the reader NOT ONE of these appeals mentions the seller!

The most obvious reason why most advertising fails because the advertisers are too busy gloating their own accomplishments (The world’s most trusted brand!)

They soon forget to tell why the reader should buy from us.

(Our product will relieve muscle aches within 2 hours)

No doubt about it our attention span is at all time low. How long do you stay on a website if what you see doesn’t grab your attention 2-3 seconds maybe?

The same applies to your prospects.

And That’s why the old Acronym W.I.F.M (What’s in it for me) is a great way for your copy to enter the conversation of your prospects mind.

for more FREE tips visit my Website

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